

Umbrette, so v.w. Braunvogel.

Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.

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  • umbrette — Umber Um ber, n. [F. ombre ocherous ore of iron, terre d ombre, It. terra d ombra, literally, earth of shadow or shade, L. umbra shadow, shade. Cf. {Umber}, 3 & 4, {Umbrage}.] 1. (Paint.) A brown or reddish pigment used in both oil and water… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • burnt umber — Umber Um ber, n. [F. ombre ocherous ore of iron, terre d ombre, It. terra d ombra, literally, earth of shadow or shade, L. umbra shadow, shade. Cf. {Umber}, 3 & 4, {Umbrage}.] 1. (Paint.) A brown or reddish pigment used in both oil and water… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cologne umber — Umber Um ber, n. [F. ombre ocherous ore of iron, terre d ombre, It. terra d ombra, literally, earth of shadow or shade, L. umbra shadow, shade. Cf. {Umber}, 3 & 4, {Umbrage}.] 1. (Paint.) A brown or reddish pigment used in both oil and water… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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