

Mustum (lat.), ist Most.

Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.

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  • MUSTUM — apud Plautum in persa Aotu 1. Sc. 3. Commisce mustum, struthea coluteaque appara, Bene ut in scutris concaleat, et calamum inice. Ubi mulsum alii legunt. Sed ex eo loco Plauti probare satagit Plin. l. 14. c. 13. laudatissima fuisse apud priscos… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Mustum — In Roman Catholic liturgy, mustum is grape juice that is only minimally fermented, for use in place of sacramental wine. It is precisely defined as grape juice that is either fresh or preserved by methods that suspend its fermentation without… …   Wikipedia

  • moût — [ mu ] n. m. • moust XIIIe; lat. mustum 1 ♦ Jus de raisin qui vient d être exprimé et n a pas encore subi la fermentation alcoolique. Moût obtenu par foulage (vins rouges), pressurage (vins blancs). Chaptalisation, sucrage des moûts. Moût qui a… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Must — For other uses, see Must (disambiguation). For the word must meaning compulsion, see wikt:must. For the condition affecting male elephants, see musth. Grapes being pressed to create must. Must (from the Latin vinum mustum, “young wine”) is… …   Wikipedia

  • Most — Federweißer; Traubenmost; Maische (für Wein); Süßmost; Fruchtwein * * * Most [mɔst], der; [e]s, e: aus Obst gewonnener [noch nicht gegorener] Saft: Most machen, trinken; der Most gärt. Zus.: Apfelmost, Kirschmost, Süßmost. * * * …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Mostaza — Para otros usos de este término, véase Mostaza (desambiguación). Semillas para elaborar Mostaza …   Wikipedia Español

  • mosto — (Del lat. mustum.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 Zumo de la uva o de la manzana, antes de fermentar. 2 Zumo de ciertos frutos, usado para fabricar licores alcohólicos. 3 ENOLOGÍA coloquial Vino en general: ■ nos sirvieron un mosto de una reserva… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • must — MUST, musturi, s.n. 1. Suc dulce care nu a început încă să fermenteze, obţinut prin zdrobirea şi presarea boabelor de struguri sau, p. ext., a altor fructe ori plante. 2. Zeamă, suc pe care îl conţin unele fructe. 3. Seva arborilor. 4. (pop.)… …   Dicționar Român

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