

Kleit...., so sich anfangende (griechische) Wörter, s.u. Klit...

Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.

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  • Shlomo Kleit — (1880 1962) was a leader of the Yiddishist/Socialist movement in Lithuania. Kleit was active in the anti Tsarist revolutionary movement, and the anti German underground between 1915 and 1918. After the World War I he was elected as the Socialist… …   Wikipedia

  • Ontario electricity policy — refers to plans, legislation, incentives, guidelines, and policy processes put in place by the Government of the Province of Ontario, Canada, to address issues of electricity production, distribution, and consumption. Policymaking in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Kleid — [klai̮t], das; [e]s, er: 1. (meist aus einem Stück bestehendes) Kleidungsstück von unterschiedlicher Länge für Frauen und Mädchen: ein neues, elegantes Kleid tragen. Zus.: Abendkleid, Ballkleid, Brautkleid, Cocktailkleid, Damenkleid, Dirndlkleid …   Universal-Lexikon

  • polynuclear — [päl΄i no͞o′klēit, päl΄i nyo͞o′klēitpäl΄i no͞o′klē ər, päl΄inyo͞o′klē ər] adj. [ POLY + NUCLEAR] having many nuclei: also polynucleate [päl΄i no͞o′klēit, päl΄i nyo͞o′klēit] …   English World dictionary

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  • Kleien (Verb.) — *1. Achter ût kleît1 de Höner. – Frommann, II, 388, 3. 1) Kleien heisst in der Marsch: eine Grube reinigen vom Schlamm, Gräben ausschlämmen, dann: sudeln, schmieren, im Koth wühlen; ferner, wie in der obigen Redensart, kratzen, krauen, liebkosen; …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • enucleate — [ē no͞o′klē āt΄, ēnyo͞o′klē āt΄; i no͞o′klē āt΄, inyo͞o′klē āt΄; ] for adj. [, ē no͞o′klēit, ē nyo͞o′ klēit, ē no͞o′klēāt΄, ē nyo͞o′klēāt΄] vt. enucleated, enucleating [< L enucleatus, pp. of enucleare, to remove kernels < e , out + nucleus …   English World dictionary

  • cloth — noun (plural cloths) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English, from Old English clāth cloth, garment; akin to Middle High German kleit garment Date: before 12th century 1. a. a pliable material made …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • List of fictional military organizations — This is a List of fictional military organizations, including military branches of political bodies or governments, fringe or guerrilla groups, privately run militia, and autonomous and unconventional militaries, such as special forces, that do… …   Wikipedia

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