- Swiniūchy
Swiniūchy, Stadt im Kreise Wladimir des russischen Gouvernements Volhynien; 1500 Ew., viel Juden; Landhandel.
Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.
Swiniūchy, Stadt im Kreise Wladimir des russischen Gouvernements Volhynien; 1500 Ew., viel Juden; Landhandel.
Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.
Swiniuchy — Świniuchy (also known as Podhajce or Privetnoye) is a small village in the Volyn district of western Ukraine. It is located approximately 75 miles northeast of the city of Lviv, Ukraine.Privetnoye [Ukrainian] , Świniuchy [Polish] , Svinyukhi… … Wikipedia
Świniuchy — NameName Świniuchy derived from Ukrainian: town under the woods .HistoryJews first settled here in the 16th century. By the year 1897, 629 Jews lived here out of a total of 1,780. During World War I, many Jews left the shtetl because of nearby… … Wikipedia