Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:
travail — /treuh vayl , trav ayl/, n. 1. painfully difficult or burdensome work; toil. 2. pain, anguish or suffering resulting from mental or physical hardship. 3. the pain of childbirth. v.i. 4. to suffer the pangs of childbirth; be in labor. 5. to toil… … Universalium
travail — tra•vail [[t]trəˈveɪl, ˈtræv eɪl[/t]] n. 1) painfully difficult or burdensome work; toil 2) pain, anguish, or suffering resulting from mental or physical hardship 3) the pain of childbirth; labor 4) to toil or exert oneself 5) to suffer the pangs … From formal English to slang
travail — [trə vāl′, trav′āl΄] n. [OFr < VL * tripalium, instrument of torture composed of three stakes < LL tripalis, of three stakes < L tri , TRI + palus, a stake: see PALE2] 1. very hard work; toil 2. labor pains; pains of childbirth 3.… … English World dictionary