

Vinaigrette (fr., spr. Winägrett), so v. w. Brouette.

Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.

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  • Vinaigrette — Vinaigrette …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • vinaigrette — [ vinɛgrɛt ] n. f. • 1393; de vinaigre 1 ♦ Sauce froide faite d huile, de vinaigre et de sel, souvent aromatisée, qui sert à assaisonner la salade, les crudités. Museau à la vinaigrette, en vinaigrette. Ellipt Poireaux vinaigrette. 2 ♦ (1680; à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • vinaigrette — Vinaigrette. s. f. Sorte de sausse froide faite avec du vinaigre, de l huile, du sel, du poivre, du persil, & de la ciboule. Du boeuf à la vinaigrette. On appelle aussi, Vinaigrette, Une petite calesche telle que sont celles establies pour la… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • vinaigrette — or vinaigrette dressing or vinaigrette sauce [vin΄ə gret′] n. [Fr < vinaigre,VINEGAR] 1. a small ornamental box or bottle with a perforated lid, used for holding aromatic vinegar, smelling salts, etc. 2. a blend of vinegar, oil, herbs, etc.… …   English World dictionary

  • vinaigrette — 1690s, a type of condiment, from Fr. vinaigrette, dim. of vinaigre (aromatic) vinegar (see VINEGAR (Cf. vinegar)). Modern sense of a type of dressing for salads or cold vegetables is attested from 1877 …   Etymology dictionary

  • Vinaigrette — Vin ai*grette , n. [F., fr. vinaigre vinegar.] 1. (Cookery) A sauce, made of vinegar, oil, and other ingredients, used esp. for cold meats. [1913 Webster] 2. A small perforated box for holding aromatic vinegar contained in a sponge, or a smelling …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vinaigrette — (franz., spr. winä ), ein Fleischsalat mit pikanter Sauce …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • vinaigrette — (izg. vinegrȅt) m DEFINICIJA razg. kulin. umak od octa, ulja, soli, papra i drugih začina ETIMOLOGIJA fr …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • vinaigrette — ► NOUN ▪ salad dressing of oil, wine vinegar, and seasoning. ORIGIN French, from vinaigre vinegar …   English terms dictionary

  • Vinaigrette — For other uses, see Vinaigrette (disambiguation). Vinaigrette (/vɪnəˈɡrɛt/) is a mixture (emulsion) of olive oil and vinegar, sometimes flavored with herbs, spices, and other ingredients. It is used most commonly as a salad dressing,[1] but also… …   Wikipedia

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