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List of prehistoric foraminiferans — A= * Abadehella * Abathomphalus * Abditodentrix * Abdullaevia * Abrardia * Abyssamina * Acarinina * Accordiella * Acervoschwagerina * Acervulina * Aciculella * Acostina * Acruliammina * Actinocyclina * Actinosiphon * Adelosina * Adelungia *… … Wikipedia
Sternmilleporit — Sternmilleporit, so v.w. Siderolites … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Sternschnecke — Sternschnecke, so v.w. Siderolites … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
stony iron meteorite — ▪ astronomy any meteorite containing substantial amounts of both rocky material (silicates) and nickel iron metal. Such meteorites, which are often called stony irons, are an intermediate type between the two more common types, stony… … Universalium