- Antestature
Antestature (fr., spr. Angtestatür), schnell aufgeworfene, leichte Verschanzung.
Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.
Antestature (fr., spr. Angtestatür), schnell aufgeworfene, leichte Verschanzung.
Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.
Antestature — An te*stat ure, n. (Fort.) A small intrenchment or work of palisades, or of sacks of earth. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Antestature — An antestature, in fortification, is a small retrenchment, made of palisadoes, or sandbags, set up in haste, to dispute with the enemy the remainder of a piece of land.The word comes from the Latin ante ( before ), and statūra ( a standing ) … Wikipedia
antestature — … Useful english dictionary
antestatura — (del fr. «antestature»; ant.) f. Fort. Defensa improvisada con estacas, fajos de leña, sacos de tierra, etc. * * * ► femenino Trinchera u obstáculo improvisado con estacas y fajinas o sacos de tierra … Enciclopedia Universal