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beneficial — ben·e·fi·cial /ˌbe nə fi shəl/ adj 1: providing benefits or advantages 2: receiving or entitling one to receive an advantage, benefit, or use a beneficial shareholder a beneficial estate ben·e·fi·cial·ly / shə lē/ adv … Law dictionary
Beneficial — Ben e*fi cial, a. [Cf. F. b[ e]n[ e]ficial, LL. beneficialis.] 1. Conferring benefits; useful; profitable; helpful; advantageous; serviceable; contributing to a valuable end; followed by to. [1913 Webster] The war which would have been most… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
beneficial — beneficial, advantageous, profitable are applied to what brings good or gain. Beneficial refers to what promotes health or well being; advantageous, to what more directly conduces to relative superiority or subserves a desirable end; profitable,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
beneficial — (del lat. «beneficiālis») adj. De [los] beneficios eclesiásticos. * * * beneficial. (Del lat. beneficiālis). adj. Perteneciente o relativo a beneficios eclesiásticos … Enciclopedia Universal
beneficial — (adj.) mid 15c., helpful, advantageous, from M.Fr. bénéficial and directly from L. beneficialis pertaining to a favor, from beneficium (see BENEFICE (Cf. benefice)). Related: Beneficially … Etymology dictionary
beneficial — [ben΄ə fish′əl] adj. [ME < OFr < LL beneficialis < L benefacere: see BENEFACTION] 1. producing benefits; advantageous; favorable 2. receiving benefit 3. Law for one s own benefit [beneficial interest] beneficially adv … English World dictionary
bénéficial — bénéficial, ale [benefisjal] adj. ÉTYM. 1369; lat. beneficialis, de beneficium. ❖ ♦ Vx ou hist. Qui concerne les bénéfices ecclésiastiques. || Matières bénéficiales. || Cause bénéficiale. || Revenus bénéficiaux. 0 Ce fut lui qui crut que Sénèque… … Encyclopédie Universelle
bénéficial — bénéficial, ale (bé né fi si al , a l ) adj. Qui concerne les bénéfices ecclésiastiques. Les revenus bénéficiaux. • Ce fut lui qui crut que Sénèque dans ses livres des bénéfices avait traité à plein fond des matières bénéficiales, BALZ. 2e disc … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
bénéficial — BÉNÉFICIAL, ALE. adj. Qui concerne les Bénéfices. Ce mot n est guère d usage que dans cette phrase, Matière Bénéficiale. Être savant dans les matières Bénéficiales … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
beneficial — adj. 2 g. Do benefício (eclesiástico) ou a ele relativo … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa