

Bhagavan, Beiname der höchsten Gottheit, insbesondere des Krischna-Wischnu.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • Bhagavan — Bhagavan, also written Bhagwan or Bhagawan, from the Sanskrit nt stem IAST|bhaga vant (nominative/vocative sa. भगवान् IAST|Bhagavān ) literally means possessing fortune, blessed, prosperous (from the noun IAST|bhaga , meaning fortune, wealth ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Bhagavan — Krishna avec Radharani. Bhagavan est un mot originaire du sanskrit, la langue mère de l hindi, qui signifie Dieu, voire saint[1]. Il est issu de la meme racine que le titre du livre Bhagavad Gita qui veut dire la chanson …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bhagavan —    Bhagavan in Sanskrit means “one who is glorious, illustrious, revered, divine, or holy.” It is the most common word for “God” in Hinduism. In its sense of “holy” or “divine” it is also used as an honor ific for gurus and divine personages, for …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • Bhagaván — En el marco de las religiones de la India, Bhagavān es un nombre con que se designa a Dios. También se puede encontrar escrito Bhágavat, Bhagwan y Bhagawan. Proviene del sánscrito bhaga vat (भगवान् bhagavān) significa literalmente ‘que posee… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bhagavan — Bhagvan, auch Bhagwan oder Bhagavan (Sanskrit, m., भगवत्, bhagavat, Nom./Vok. Sing.: bhagavan), ist in Indien der Begriff für Gesegneter, Erhabener, Gott, Herr, Glücklicher, Verehrungswürdiger, Liebenswerter.[1] Das Wort Bhagavat steckt u. a.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Viṣṇu Purāṇa (6.5.72–74) defines Bhagavān as follows: śuddhe mahā vibhūtākhye pare brahmaṇi śabdyate | maitreya bhagavac chabdaḥ sarva kāraṇa kāraṇe ||72|| sambharteti tathā bhartā bha… …   The Bhaktivedanta encyclopedia

  • Bhagavan Das — (* 12. Januar 1869 in Varanasi, Indien; † 18. September 1958) war ein indischer Politiker, Theosoph und Gelehrter. Bhagavan Das wurde 1869 in einer wohlhabenden Händlerfamilie geboren. Er erlangte bereits 1888 mit 19 Jahren den Master of Arts in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bhagavan Das — may refer to: *Bhagavan Das (theosophy), 1869 1958 *Bhagavan Das (yogi), born 1945 …   Wikipedia

  • Bhagavan Das (yogi) — For the theosophist, see Bhagwan Das. Bhagavan Das (भगवान दास) (born Kermit[1] Michael Riggs in Laguna Beach, California on May 17, 1945) and also known by the name Anagorika Dharma Sara within the Buddhist community, is a Western yogi who lived… …   Wikipedia

  • Bhagavan (disambiguation) — The word Bhagavan (also spelt Bhagawan or Bhagwan) can refer to:*Bhagavan, a term meaning the blessed or fortunate one in Hinduism * Svayam bhagavan , a philosophical concept in monotheistic Vaisnava traditions. *Bhagwan Das, an Indian… …   Wikipedia

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