- Exagĭum
Exagĭum, die Schrotproben, welche die Kaiser des 5. Jahrh. sich von jedem neuen Münzschlag vorlegen ließen, 1/6 einer Unze, = 1 Solidus.
Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.
Exagĭum, die Schrotproben, welche die Kaiser des 5. Jahrh. sich von jedem neuen Münzschlag vorlegen ließen, 1/6 einer Unze, = 1 Solidus.
Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.
EXAGIUM — trutina et certae ponderationis genus, Cuiac. Item ponderis nota, quae pani imprimebatur, ςταθμὸς Casaub. ad Sueton. et nummis, vide supra in voce Dimicare, item Exacium … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
EXACIUM seu EXAGIUM — cuius creba mentio apud Ancnymum de Ponder. Nicandro subiectum, ubi ςτάγιον scribitur, voce contractâ ex ςτ, quae ἕξ signisicat, i. e. sex et ἄγιον, licet non ab ἓξ deducatur: certae ponderationis genus est, inquit Cuiacius. Unde in Glossis… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
essai — [ esɛ ] n. m. • 1140 « tentative »; lat. exagium « pesée, essai », de exigere « expulser », puis « mesurer, régler » 1 ♦ Opération par laquelle on s assure des qualités, des propriétés d une chose ou de la manière d user d une chose. Faire l… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ensayo — (Del bajo lat. exagium, acto de pesar.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 Acción y resultado de ensayar. SINÓNIMO adiestramiento entrenamiento 2 ESPECTÁCULOS, TEATRO Prueba que se hace de un espectáculo antes de estrenarlo: ■ a lo largo de los ensayos fue … Enciclopedia Universal
Assay — An assay is an analysis done to determine: {{}}The presence of a substance and the amount of that substance. Thus, an assay may be done for example to determine the level of thyroid hormones in the blood of a person suspected of being hypothyroid … Medical dictionary
Essay — Aufsatz; Schulaufsatz; Paper (umgangssprachlich); Abhandlung; Artikel; Bericht * * * Es|say 〈[ ɛ̣sɛı] m. 6 oder n. 15; Lit.〉 literar. Kunstform, Abhandlung in knapper, geistvoller, allgemein verständlic … Universal-Lexikon
essay — [e sā′; ] for n.1 usually, & for n.2 always [, es′ā] vt. [OFr essayer < VL * exagiare < LL exagium, a weight, weighing < ex , out of + agere, to do: see ACT1] 1. to test the nature or quality of; try out 2. to try; attempt n. [OFr essai… … English World dictionary
Essay — Es say, n.; pl. {Essays}. [F. essai, fr. L. exagium a weighing, weight, balance; ex out + agere to drive, do; cf. examen, exagmen, a means of weighing, a weighing, the tongue of a balance, exigere to drive out, examine, weigh, Gr. exa gion a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Essays — Essay Es say, n.; pl. {Essays}. [F. essai, fr. L. exagium a weighing, weight, balance; ex out + agere to drive, do; cf. examen, exagmen, a means of weighing, a weighing, the tongue of a balance, exigere to drive out, examine, weigh, Gr. exa gion… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
essay — I. transitive verb Date: 14th century 1. to put to a test 2. to make an often tentative or experimental effort to perform ; try Synonyms: see attempt • essayer noun II. noun Etymology … New Collegiate Dictionary