- Exanimation
Exanimation (v. lat.), 1) Entseelung; 2) Muthlosigkeit; 3) tiefe Ohnmacht.
Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.
Exanimation (v. lat.), 1) Entseelung; 2) Muthlosigkeit; 3) tiefe Ohnmacht.
Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.
Exanimation — Ex*an i*ma tion, n.[L. exanimatio.] Deprivation of life or of spirits. [R.] Bailey. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
exanimation — ex·an·i·ma·tion (eg zan″ĭ maґshən) unconsciousness; coma … Medical dictionary
Exanimation — Ex|ani|ma|ti|on* die; , en <aus lat. exanimatio »Entsetzen, Mutlosigkeit«, eigtl. »Entseelung«, zu 1↑ex... u. lat. animatio »Beseelung«> [tiefe] Ohnmacht … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
exanimation — noun see exanimate II … Useful english dictionary
exanimate — exanimation, n. /eg zan euh mit, mayt , ek san /, adj. 1. inanimate or lifeless. 2. spiritless; disheartened. [1525 35; < L exanimatus (ptp. of exanimare to deprive of life), equiv. to ex EX 1 + anim(a) life, spirit + atus ATE1] * * * … Universalium
Coma — A state of deep unarousable unconsciousness. Coma may occur as the result of numerous causes including head trauma, diseases such as diabetes, poisoning, etc. * * * 1. A state of profound unconsciousness from which one cannot be roused; may be… … Medical dictionary
Ohnmacht — ↑Exanimation … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
exanimate — /əgˈzænəmət/ (say uhg zanuhmuht), / meɪt/ (say mayt), /ɛg / (say eg ) adjective 1. inanimate or lifeless. 2. spiritless; disheartened. {Latin exanimātus, past participle, deprived of breath, life, or spirit} –exanimation /əgzænəˈmeɪʃən/ (say… …