

Facsimĭle (lat. Fac simile [Mach es ähnlich!]), die einer Urschrift treu nachgebildete Copie einer alten Handschrift, od. den Schriftzügen eines berühmten Mannes nachgebildet. Sammlungen von F-s gab u. and. W. Dorow, Berl. 1836–38 heraus.

Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.

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  • facsimile — I noun copy, duplicate, exact copy, mold, molding, oneness, replica, reproduction, sameness, semblance II index copy, delineation, duplicate, fake, model Bur …   Law dictionary

  • facsimile — [fak sim′ə lē] n. [L fac, imper. of facere, DO1 + simile, neut. of similis, SIMILAR] 1. (an) exact reproduction or copy 2. the transmission and reproduction of graphic matter by electrical means, as by radio or wire adj. of or having the nature… …   English World dictionary

  • Facsimile — Fac*sim i*le, n.; pl. {Facsimiles} ( l?z). [L. fac simile make like; or an abbreviation of factum simile made like; facere to make + similes like. See {Fact}, and {Simile}.] A copy of anything made, either so as to be deceptive or so as to give… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Facsimile — Fac*sim i*le,, v. t. To make a facsimile of. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Facsimĭle — Facsimĭle, s. Faksimile …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Facsimile — (deutsch: Mache es ähnlich), nennt man die Nachbildung eines Originals, das man entweder um das Alter einer Handschrift zu erkennen, oder häufiger noch, um aus den Schriftzügen einer berühmten Person etwas Charakteristisches zu finden, treu… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • Facsimile — Facsimile, lat., die möglichst genaue Nachahmung einer Handschrift …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • facsimile — /fak simile/ s.m. [comp. del lat. fac (imperat. di facĕre fare ) e simĭle cosa simile ] (pl. invar. o i ). 1. [scritto, disegno, oggetto e sim., identico all originale: f. d un documento ] ▶◀ copia, duplicato, replica, riproduzione. ‖ imitazione …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • facsimile — 1660s, from L. fac simile make similar, from fac imperative of facere to make (see FACTITIOUS (Cf. factitious)) + simile, neut. of similis like, similar (see SIMILAR (Cf. similar)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • facsimile — copy, carbon copy, Reproduction, duplicate, replica, transcript …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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