

Jester, Ernst Friedrich, geb. 1745 zu Königsberg in Preußen, war seit 1788 Oberforstrath in Königsberg u. st. dort 1822; er ist Verfasser mehrerer Lustspiele u. Opern: Das Duell, Der Dorfprediger u.a.m.; u. schr.: Die kleine Jagd, Königsb. 17931801, 8 Bde., u. Aufl. 1817, 4 Bde.; Anleitung zur Gutachtung der Nutzhölzer, ebd. 1815 f., 3. Bde.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • Jester — Jest er, n. [Cf. {Gestour}.] 1. A buffoon; a merry andrew; a court fool. [1913 Webster] This . . . was Yorick s skull, the king s jester. Shak. [1913 Webster] Dressed in the motley garb that jesters wear. Longfellow. [1913 Webster] 2. A person… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • jester — mid 14c., jestour (Anglo Latin), late 14c., gestour a minstrel, professional reciter of romances, agent noun from gesten recite a tale, which was a jester s original function (see JEST (Cf. jest)). Sense of buffoon in a prince s court is from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • jester — [n] person who jokes, plays jokes actor, antic, banterer, buffoon, card*, clown, comedian, comic, cutup*, droll, fool, harlequin, humorist, japer, joker, jokester, larker, life of the party*, madcap*, pantaloon, practical joker, prankster,… …   New thesaurus

  • jester — ► NOUN historical ▪ a professional joker or ‘fool’ at a medieval court …   English terms dictionary

  • jester — [jes′tər] n. a person who jests; esp., a professional fool employed by a medieval ruler to amuse him …   English World dictionary

  • Jester — Fool redirects here. For other uses, see Fool (disambiguation). Court Jester redirects here. For the film starring Danny Kaye, see The Court Jester. For other uses of Jester , see Jester (disambiguation). Depiction of a jester by William Merritt… …   Wikipedia

  • jester — noun 1) historical a court jester Syn: fool, court fool, court jester, clown, harlequin, pantaloon; archaic buffoon, merry andrew 2) the class jester Syn: joker, clown, comedian, comic …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • jester — n. a court jester * * * [ dʒestə] a court jester …   Combinatory dictionary

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