

Perigynus (gr.), umschließend, umherstehend. Perigynien, Pflanzen, deren Blüthengeschlechtstheile auf dem Kelch aufsitzen; Perigynisch, solche betreffend.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • perigynous — adjective Etymology: New Latin perigynus, from peri + gynus gynous Date: 1807 borne on a ring or cup of the receptacle surrounding a pistil < perigynous petals >; also having perigynous stamens and petals < perigynous flowers > • perigyny noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Blüthe [1] — Blüthe (Bot.), im weiteren Sinne die Organe, durch welche die Frucht gebildet wird. Bei den Algen, Pilzen u. Flechten entwickelt sich die Pflanze aus einer nackten, od. zuweilen bei den beiden letzteren aus einer umhüllten od. doppelten Zelle, u …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • perigynous — /peuh rij euh neuhs/, adj. Bot. 1. situated around the pistil on the edge of a cuplike receptacle, as stamens or petals. 2. having stamens, petals, etc., so arranged. [1800 10; < NL perigynus. See PERI , GYNOUS] * * * …   Universalium

  • perigynous — pe•rig•y•nous [[t]pəˈrɪdʒ ə nəs[/t]] adj. 1) bot situated around the pistil on the edge of a cuplike receptacle, as stamens or petals 2) bot having stamens, petals, etc., so arranged • Etymology: 1800–10; < NL perigynus. See peri , gynous… …   From formal English to slang

  • perigynous — /pəˈrɪdʒənəs/ (say puh rijuhnuhs) adjective 1. situated around the pistil on the edge of a cuplike receptacle, as stamens, etc. 2. having stamens, etc., so arranged, as a flower. {New Latin perigynus, from Greek peri peri + gynē woman, female} …  

  • perigynous — [pə rij′ə nəs] adj. [ModL perigynus: see PERI & GYNOUS] designating sepals, petals, and stamens attached to the rim of a cup or tube which surrounds the ovary but is not attached to it, as in the rose: see EPIGYNOUS, HYPOGYNOUS perigyny [pe… …   English World dictionary

  • perigynous — adj. (of stamens) situated around the pistil or ovary. Etymology: mod.L perigynus (as PERI , GYNOUS) …   Useful english dictionary

  • pe|rig|y|nous — «puh RIHJ uh nuhs», adjective. 1. situated around the pistil on the edge of a cuplike receptacle, as stamens, sepals, and petals. 2. (of a flower) having its parts so arranged, as the cherry. ╂[< New Latin perigynus (with English ous) <… …   Useful english dictionary

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