

Rut, Fluß in Südrußland. Am R. 1150 Sieg des Großfürsten Isäslaw II. über Jurje von Susdal.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • rut — rut …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • rut — [ ryt ] n. m. • XIVe; ruit mil. XIIe; lat. rugitus « rugissement » ♦ Période d activité sexuelle des mammifères pendant laquelle les animaux cherchent à s accoupler; l état dans lequel ils se trouvent pendant cette période. Femelle en rut. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Rut — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rut en el campo de Booz Para Rol único tributario (Chile), véase RUT. Para otros usos del nombre propio, véase Ruth …   Wikipedia Español

  • Rut — may refer to:* Rut (mammalian reproduction), the period of time when antlered ungulates mate; for elephant rut, see Musth * Rut (roads), a depression or groove worn into a road or pathPeople with the given name Rut:* Rut Blees Luxemburg (21st… …   Wikipedia

  • rut — s.n. Stare fiziologică la animale, corespunzătoare perioadei de activitate sexuală, de durată şi periodicitate variabilă, în timpul căreia se petrec unele transformări ale aparatului genital. – Din fr. rut. Trimis de LauraGellner, 08.07.2004.… …   Dicționar Român

  • rut — (rut ) s. m. Le temps où les bêtes fauves et quelques autres sont en chaleur. •   Jamais la biche en rut n a pour fait d impuissance Traîné du fond des bois un cerf à l audience, BOILEAU Sat. VIII.    Par extension. •   Mais Jeanne tout en rut s… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Rut — bezeichnet die zentrale Gestalt des biblischen Buches Rut eine Form des Vornamens Ruth eine Motorradmarke, siehe Nürnberger Motorradindustrie Rut ist ein Dorf in Slowenien Rut ist der Familienname von Tadeusz Rut (1931–2002), polnischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • rut — [rʌt] n [Sense: 1 2; Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Perhaps from Old French route; ROUTE1] [Sense: 3; Date: 1100 1200; : Old French; Origin: loud sound made by a deer , from Latin rugire to roar ] 1.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rut — rut1 [rut] n. [< ? MFr route,ROUTE] 1. a groove, furrow, or track, esp. one made in the ground by the passage of wheeled vehicles 2. a fixed, routine course of action, thought, etc., esp. one regarded as monotonous vt. rutted, rutting to make… …   English World dictionary

  • RUT — may refer to:* Rol Único Tributario, the Chilean taxation unique contributor roll identification number * RUT (AAR), a small railroad in the north eastern United States * RUT (IATA), a state owned public use airport located in North Clarendon,… …   Wikipedia

  • rut — [ rʌt ] noun 1. ) count usually singular a situation that is boring and difficult to change: be (stuck) in a rut: If you re in a rut, change jobs. 2. ) count a deep narrow mark in the ground made by a wheel: I had to walk in frozen ruts in the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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