

Schaap, ehemalige ostfriesische Silbermünze; der Reichsthaler zu 27, der Gulden zu 10 S., 1 S. = 2 Stüber od. 22/3 Grot; so wurden auch andere rheinische 2 Stüberstücke genannt, weil sie ein Schaf im Gepräge hatten.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • Schaap, Richard Jay — ▪ 2002 “Dick”        American journalist, biographer, and talk show host (b. Sept. 27, 1934, Brooklyn, N.Y. d. New York, N.Y., Dec. 21, 2001), zestfully documented the inner workings of public figures, notably sports heroes. He came to notice in… …   Universalium

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  • Phil Schaap — (born 1951) is an American jazz disc jockey and reissue producer. He hosts a daily morning radio program on WKCR, the radio station of Columbia University, his alma mater, in New York City. The show, called Birdflight , is devoted to the music of …   Wikipedia

  • Jeremy Schaap — (b. August 23 1969, New York City) is an American sportswriter, television reporter, and author. Schaap is an Emmy award winner for his work as the host of Outside the Lines , a sports news and interviews program, on ESPN.He is a regular… …   Wikipedia

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