

Sittybos (gr.), Buchtitel, s.u. Buch 1).

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • Syllabus — A syllabus (pl. syllabi or syllabuses; from Latin syllabus list , in turn from Greek σίλλυβος or σίττυβος sillybos/sittybos parchment label, table of contents ), is an outline and summary of topics to be covered in an education or training course …   Wikipedia

  • Buch [1] — Buch, 1) jede aus mehreren Bogen bestehende Schrift. Die ältesten (uneigentlich so genannten) Bücher (Bibloi, Libri, Codices) waren Rollen (Rollschriften, Kylindri, später Eiletaria, Tomaria, Volumina), d.h. mehrere an den Enden zusammengeleimte… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • syllabus — 1650s, table of contents of a series of lectures, etc., from L.L. syllabus list, a misreading of Gk. sittybos (pl. of sittyba parchment label, table of contents, of unknown origin) in a 1470s edition of Cicero s Ad Atticum iv.5 and 8. The proper… …   Etymology dictionary

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