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Vídbláin — In Norse mythology, Víðbláinn is the third heaven in the cosmology of Snorri s Gylfaginning , located above Andlang and Asgard. It will serve as a shelter and dwelling place for the souls of the dead during and after the destruction of Ragnarök … Wikipedia
Álfheimr — Alfheim redirects here. For other uses, see Alfheim (disambiguation) Álfheimr or Alfheim ( Elf home ) is the abode of the Álfar Elves in Norse mythology and appears also in northern English ballads under the forms Elfhame and Elphame, sometimes… … Wikipedia
Numbers in Germanic paganism — The numbers three and nine are significant numbers in Germanic paganism and later Norse mythology. Both numbers (and multiplications thereof) appear throughout surviving attestations of Germanic paganism, in both Germanic mythology and religious… … Wikipedia
Andlang — In Norse mythology, Andlang (also Andlàngr or Öndlangr) is described as the second heavenly realm which stretches between the first, containing the halls of the gods, and the third, named Vídbláin. [Gylfaginning 17] It will serve as a shelter and … Wikipedia
Ragnarök — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Thor peleando contra la serpiente Jörmundgander, cuadro de Johann Heinrich Füssli (1788). Para otros usos de este término, véase Ragnarok (de … Wikipedia Español
Elfen [1] — Elfen, in der germanischen u. celtischen Mythologie die zarten, lieblichen Naturgeister. In der Nordischen Mythologie (Alfar, Alsen) unter den Asen stehend, unterschieden sie sich nach ihren Wohnorten in Liosalfar, weiße od. Licht E., u.… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Numbers in Norse mythology — The numbers three and nine are significant numbers in Norse mythology and paganism. Both numbers (and multiplications thereof) appear throughout surviving attestations of Norse paganism, in both mythology and cultic practice.[1] While the number… … Wikipedia
Víðbláinn — En la Mitología nórdica, Víðbláinn (algunas veces latinizado como Vidblain) está descrito como el tercer paraíso divino en la cosmología de Snorri Sturluson. Según la Edda prosaica Gylfaginning, está localizado encima de Andlang y el hogar de los … Wikipedia Español