

Animūccia (spr. Animutscha), Giovanni, geb. um 1490 zu Florenz, Capellmeister an der Peterskirche in Rom, Lehrer Palestrinas, Erfinder der musikalischen Oratorien; st. 1569 in Rom; schr.: Il primo libro de madrigali a tre voci, Rom 1565; Libro di messe, ebd. 1567.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • Animuccia, Giovanni — ▪ Italian composer born c. 1500, Florence [Italy] died March 20, 1571, Rome, Papal States       Italian composer who contributed to the development of the oratorio.       Little is known of Animuccia s life until 1555, when he became choirmaster… …   Universalium

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  • Giovanni Animuccia — (c. 1520 – March 20, 1571) was an Italian musical composer of the Renaissance. He was one of the best known contemporaries of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina in the Roman School of composers, and was influential in the development of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Giovanni Animuccia — (* um 1514 in Florenz; † 25. März 1571 in Rom) war ein italienischer Kirchenmusik Komponist. Biographie Animuccia war seit 1555 Kapellmeister an St. Peter im Vatikan und starb 1571 zu Rom, wor …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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