

Carmichael (spr. Karmeikel), Richard, Wundarzt zu Dublin; Lehrer an mehreren Anstalten daselbst; st. 1849 bei Dublin; er schr.: On the effects of carbonate of iron upon cancer, Dubl. 1806, 2. Ausg. 1812; mit Henning u. Goodlad: On the nature of the scrofula, Lond. 1810 (deutsch von Choulant, Lpz. 1818); On the venereal diseases which have confounded with syphilis, Dubl. 1814 f., 2 Thle., 2. Ausg. 1825; On venereal diseases and the use and abuse of mercury in their treatment, Lond. 1815, 2 Thle., 2. Aufl. 1825; On the symptoms and specific distinctions of venereal diseases, Lond. 1815 (deutsch von Kühn, Lpz. 1819); On the origin and nature of tuberculous and cancerous diseases, Dubl. 1836.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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