

Colōnus (v. lat.), so v. w. Colonist.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • Colōnus — (lat.), in der Sprache der Quellen des römischen Rechts: 1) der Pächter; C. partiarius, der Pächter, der als Pachtzins einen Teil der Früchte dem Verpachter gibt. 2) Der halbfreie Grundhold der römischen Kaiserzeit, der glebae adscriptus (an die… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Colonus — For a type of tenant farmer of the late Roman Empire, see Colonus (person). Colonus Κολωνός   Neighborhood   …   Wikipedia

  • Colonus, S. — S. Colonus, C. (1. Dee.). Vom Lat. = Landwirth, Bauer etc. – Dieser hl. Colonus war ein Bekenner des Glaubens im Gebiete von Agen (Aginnum) in Aquitanien. (El.) …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • colonus — /keuh loh neuhs/, n., pl. coloni / nuy, nee/. a serf in the latter period of the Roman Empire or in the early feudal period. [1885 90; < L colonus inhabitant of a colony, tenant farmer, farmer, deriv. of colere to inhabit, till, cultivate; cf.… …   Universalium

  • Colonus —    A hereditary tenant farmer whose status differed little from that of a slave. Though technically free and with some legal rights (e.g., they could not be ejected from their land), they were bound to the soil in perpetuity. Their freedom to… …   Historical dictionary of Byzantium

  • colonus — co•lo•nus [[t]kəˈloʊ nəs[/t]] n. pl. ni ( nī, nē). anh a serf or tenant farmer in the later Roman Empire or early feudal period • Etymology: 1885–90; < L colōnus inhabitant of a colony, tenant farmer, farmer, der. of colere to inhabit,… …   From formal English to slang

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  • Colonus (person) — A colonus was a type of Roman peasant farmer, a serf. This designation was carried into the Medieval period for much of Europe. Coloni worked on large Roman estates called latifundia and could never leave. Latifundia raised sheep and other types… …   Wikipedia

  • colonus — noun (plural coloni) Etymology: Latin, literally, farmer Date: 1857 a free born serf in the later Roman Empire who could sometimes own property but who was bound to the land and obliged to pay a rent usually in produce …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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