concession — [ kɔ̃sesjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1264; lat. concessio 1 ♦ Action de concéder (un droit, un privilège, une terre); acte qui concède. ⇒ cession, 1. don, octroi. Concession d un privilège (⇒ charte) . Faire la concession d un terrain. Concession commerciale,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Concession — may refer to: Concession (politics): failure to challenge or cessation of challenging, as in conceding an election or conceding a game . Concession (contract): a contracted out service, as in concession stand. A contractual right to carry on a… … Wikipedia
concession — con·ces·sion n 1: an act or instance of conceding or yielding 2: something conceded: as a: acknowledgment admission b: something granted esp. as an inducement (as to enter into an agreement) c: a grant of real property esp. by a gov … Law dictionary
concession — CONCESSION. s. f. Le don et l octroi qu un Souverain ou un Seigneur de quelque Terre, fait de quelque privilége, de quelque droit, de quelque grâce, etc. Ce privilége est une concession d un tel Roi. Ils ont eu ce droit, etc. par la concession d… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
Concession — Con*ces sion, n. [L. concessio, fr. concedere: cf. F. concession. See {Concede}.] 1. The act of conceding or yielding; usually implying a demand, claim, or request, and thus distinguished from giving, which is voluntary or spontaneous. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
concession — mid 15c., from O.Fr. concession (14c.) or directly from L. concessionem (nom. concessio) an allowing, conceding, noun of action from concess , pp. stem of concedere (see CONCEDE (Cf. concede)). Meaning right or privilege granted by government is… … Etymology dictionary
concession — [kən sesh′ən] n. [ME & OFr < L concessio < concessus, pp. of concedere] 1. an act or instance of conceding, granting, or yielding 2. a thing conceded or granted; acknowledgment, as of an argument or claim 3. a privilege granted by a… … English World dictionary
Concession — Concession, lat., Zugeständniß; obrigkeitliche Ermächtigung zu einem Betrieb; Concessionar, der Inhaber einer solchen C.; concessioniren, ermächtigen, genehmigen; concessionirt, genehmigt, erlaubt. Concessive, einräumend, nachgebend … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
concession — *allowance Analogous words: favor, boon, *gift: indulgence, leniency, tolerance, forbearance (see under FORBEARING) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
concession — [n] yielding, adjustment acknowledgment, admission, allowance, assent, authorization, boon, buyback, compromise, confession, copout*, deal, giveback, giving in, grant, indulgence, permission, permit, privilege, rollback, sellout, surrender, trade … New thesaurus