

Kabyle (a. Geogr.), wichtige Stadt in Thracien am Tonsus, zwischen Beröa u. Marcianopolis, j. Chalil-Ovasi.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • kabyle — [ kabil ] adj. et n. • 1739; cabilah 1761; ar. qabilah « tribu » ♦ De la Kabylie, région montagneuse d Algérie. Cheval, chien kabyle. ♢ N. Origine berbère des Kabyles. N. m. (1867) Le kabyle : ensemble des dialectes et parlers berbères de Kabylie …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Kabyle — refers to*the Kabyle people, an ethnic group in Algeria *the Kabyle language *the Kabyle ethnic homeland, a region called Kabylie in French …   Wikipedia

  • Kabyle — Ka*byle , n. [Ar. qab[=i]la.] (Ethnol.) A Berber, as in Algiers or Tunis. See {Berber}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • kabyle — Berber of Algeria and Tunisia, 1738, also of their language, from French, from Arabic qaba il, plural of qabilah tribe …   Etymology dictionary

  • Kabyle — [kə bīl′, kəbēl′] n. [Fr < Ar qabā il, pl. of qabīla, tribe] 1. a member of any of a group of Berber peoples in Algeria and Tunisia 2. the variety of Berber spoken by these peoples …   English World dictionary

  • Kabyle — Cet article concerne le dialecte kabyle. Pour les locuteurs, voir Kabyles. Le kabyle (taqbaylit ) est un dialecte de la langue berbère parlé en Kabylie (région du centre est de l Algérie) et également au sein de l importante diaspora kabyle, en… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kabyle — /kəˈbaɪl/ (say kuh buyl) noun 1. a Berber people of northern Africa, occupying the mountainous coastal regions of Tunisia and Algeria. 2. (plural Kabyle or Kabyles) a member of this people. 3. their language. –adjective 4. of a relating to the… …  

  • Kabyle — /keuh buyl /, n. 1. a member of a branch of the Berber people dwelling in NE Algeria. 2. the Berber language spoken by the Kabyles. [1730 40; < Ar qaba il, pl. of QABILAH tribe] * * * Berber people of northeastern Algeria. Most are Muslim, though …   Universalium

  • Kabyle — noun a) A member of the ethnic group that speaks the Kabyle language. b) A of the Berber branch of the family, spoken by over 3,000,000 people in Algeria; native name Taqbaylit …   Wiktionary

  • kabyle — (ka bi l ) s. m. et f. Nom des populations berbères, qui, conjointement avec les Arabes, occupent l Afrique du nord, Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie.    S. m. Le kabyle, langue parlée par les Kabyles, et qui paraît appartenir aux langues berbères.… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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