

Keres, Ort, so v.w. Körös.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • Keres — may refer to:* Keres (mythology), female death spirits in Greek mythology * Keres people, Pueblo peoples in New Mexico * Keresan languages, languages or dialects spoken by Keres peoples * Paul Keres Estonian chess grandmaster * Keres (launcher),… …   Wikipedia

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  • Keres — [kā′res΄] n. [Sp Queres < a Tanoan language ] 1. pl. Keres a member of any of seven Indian pueblos in N.Mex., mostly on the Rio Grande 2. a family of languages, comprising the seven languages or dialects spoken by the Keres: also Keresan… …   English World dictionary

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  • Keres — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.  Pour les articles homophones, voir Kères, Ker et Kerr. Le keres ou keresan est une langue parlée par les indiens Pueblos dans le Nouveau Mexique …   Wikipédia en Français

  • keres — ˈkāˌrās noun (plural keres) Usage: usually capitalized 1. a. : a Pueblo people of New Mexico including the Acoma, Cochiti, Laguna, San Felipe, Santa Ana, San …   Useful english dictionary

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