Patrĭa potestas

Patrĭa potestas

Patrĭa potestas (lat.), Väterliche Gewalt.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • Patria potestas — Die patria potestas war im antiken Rom die uneingeschränkte Verfügungsgewalt des pater familias, des männlichen Familienoberhauptes, über die familia, zu der, anders als bei anderen Familienformen, auch die verheirateten Söhne mit ihren Frauen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • patria potestas — /pay tree euh poh tes teuhs, pah , pa /; Lat. /pah trddi ah poh tes tahs/, Roman Law. the power vested in the paterfamilias or head of the Roman family with respect to his wife, natural or adopted children, and agnatic descendants: title to… …   Universalium

  • patria potestas — |pä.trēəpōˈteˌstäs noun Etymology: Latin, power of a father : the power of the head of a Roman family over his wife, children, agnatic descendants, slaves, and freedmen including originally the right to punish by death and always embracing… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Patria Potestas — Patria Potẹstas   [lateinisch] die, , im römischen Recht die durch Geburt, Legitimation oder Annahme an Kindes statt begründete väterliche Gewalt des Familienoberhauptes (Pater Familias). Ursprünglich ein reines, durch die Sittengesetze… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Patria potestas — власть римского домовладыки (отца семьи) над детьми, в число которых включаются и дети детей, т. e. внуки, правнуки и т. д. Понятие это отличается от manus mariti и dominium над вещами и рабами, хотя по своему происхождению и характеру и стоит… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • patria potestas — /ˌpætriə poʊˈtɛstəs/ (say .patreeuh poh testuhs) noun Roman Law the power of a man over his children and descendants, which made all their property his and all their transactions void unless he assented. It ended only with the death of the… …  

  • patria potestas — /paetriya patestaes/ Lat. In Roman law, paternal authority; the paternal power. This term denotes the aggregate of those peculiar powers and rights which, by the civil law of Rome, belonged to the head of a family in respect to his wife, children …   Black's law dictionary

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