

Semi... (lat.), halb...

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • semi — semi …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • semi- — ♦ Élément inv., du lat. semi « à demi », servant à former de nombreux adjectifs et des noms. ⇒ demi . ● semi Préfixe, du latin semi, à moitié, exprimant l idée de « à moitié », « partiellement ». ● semi (homonymes) semis nom masculin semi Préfixe …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • semi — semi·abstract; semi·abstraction; semi·aerial; semi·amphibious; semi·annual; semi·annually; semi·anthracite; semi·ape; semi·aquatic; semi·arboreal; semi·arch; semi·arid; semi·auto; semi·autonomous; semi·basement; semi·beam; semi·bejan;… …   English syllables

  • semi- — [semi] prefix 1. used to show that something happens, appears etc twice in a particular period of time: • We hold a semi weekly meeting for all team leaders. 2. used to show that something is partly but not completely done: • Raw materials and… …   Financial and business terms

  • Semi — is a Latin prefix to a verb, noun, or adjective meaning half . Some compounds formed with it are often abbreviated to simply semi in appropriate contexts:* Semi automatic firearm * Semi trailer truck (UK: articulated lorry) * Semi submersible, a… …   Wikipedia

  • semi — Element de compunere însemnând jumătate de , pe jumătate , care serveşte la formarea unor substantive şi a unor adjective. – Din fr., lat. semi . Trimis de LauraGellner, 24.01.2008. Sursa: DEX 98  SEMI Element prim de compunere savantă având… …   Dicționar Român

  • semi- — is the most active and versatile of the prefixes meaning ‘half’ (the other two being demi and hemi ) in forming compounds, often with adjectives and verbal participles as the second element (semi automatic, semi conscious, semi detached, semi… …   Modern English usage

  • semi — SEMI. Mot pris du latin, & qui signifie Demy, n est en usage que lorsqu il est joint à un autre mot. Les semi Pelagiens. semi drachme. un semi ton, en musique. Une feste semi double. semi prebende. semi pite …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • semi- — [semi] prefix [: Latin;] 1.) exactly half ▪ a semicircle 2.) partly but not completely ▪ in the semi darkness ▪ semi literate people 3.) happening, appearing etc twice in a particular period ▪ a semi weekly visit ▪ a semi annual publication …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • semi- — [semi] prefix [: Latin;] 1.) exactly half ▪ a semicircle 2.) partly but not completely ▪ in the semi darkness ▪ semi literate people 3.) happening, appearing etc twice in a particular period ▪ a semi weekly visit ▪ a semi annual publication …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • semi- — pref. Exprime a noção de metade, meio, quase.   ‣ Etimologia: prefixo latino semi   • Nota: É seguido de hífen quando o segundo elemento começa por h, i, r ou s (ex.: semi interno, semi reta, semi sábio) …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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