

Sramana-Gautama, s.u. Gautama.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • Shramana — Śramaṇa (Sanskrit ou Hindi m., श्रमण), ou Samaṇa (Pāli) désigne un moine errant dans certaines traditions ascétiques de l Inde antique, incluant le Jainisme, le Bouddhisme et la religion Ājīvika aujourd hui disparue. Un śramana est une personne… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Shramana — A Shramana (Sanskrit sa. श्रमण IAST|śramaṇa , Pāli pi. शमण IAST|samaṇa ) is a wandering monk in certain ascetic traditions of ancient India, including Jainism, Buddhism, and Ājīvika religion (now extinct). Famous IAST|śramaṇa include religious… …   Wikipedia

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  • History of Buddhism — The History of Buddhism spans the 6th century BCE to the present, starting with the birth of the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama. This makes it one of the oldest religions practiced today. Starting in India, the religion evolved as it spread through… …   Wikipedia

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