Trigesĭmo secundo

Trigesĭmo secundo

Trigesĭmo secundo, ein Bücherformat, wobei der Bogen in 32 Blätter zusammengelegt wird.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • Trigesimo-secundo — Tri*ges i*mo se*cun do, a. [L. in trigesimo secundo in the thirty second.] Having thirty two leaves to a sheet; as, a trigesimo secundo form, book, leaf, size, etc. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trigesimo-secundo — Tri*ges i*mo se*cun do, n. A book composed of sheets so folded that each one makes thirty two leaves; hence, indicating, more or less definitely, a size of book; usually written {32mo}, or 32[deg], and called {thirty twomo}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trigesimo-secundo — trīˈjėsə(ˌ)mōsə̇|kən(ˌ)dō noun or tricesimo secundo trīˈses ( s) Etymology: Latin trigesimo secundo, tricesimo secundo, abl. of trigesimus secundus, tricesimus secundus thirty second, from trigesimus, tricesimus thirtieth (akin to Latin triginta… …   Useful english dictionary

  • trigesimo-secundo — /traɪˌdʒɛzəmoʊ səˈkʊndoʊ/ (say truy.jezuhmoh suh koondoh) noun (plural trigesimo secundos) 1. a volume printed from sheets folded to form 32 leaves or 64 pages. Abbrev.: 32mo. or 32° –adjective 2. in trigesimo secundo. Also, thirty twomo.… …  

  • trigesimo-secundo — noun a) A paper size, (3.75 5 x 2.5 3.125 ), one thirty secondth of a standard uncut flat sheet. b) A book size, (3.75 5 x 2.5 3.125 ), corresponding to the paper size. Syn: 32mo, thirty twomo, 32°, Tt …   Wiktionary

  • trigésimo — (tri jé zi mo) adv. Trentièmement. S emploie pour désigner le trentième objet d une série (30°), quand on a commencé à compter par primo, secundo, etc. On dit ensuite, trigésimo primo, trigésimo secundo, etc. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Lat. trigesimo loco, en …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • tricesimo-secundo — variant of trigesimo secundo * * * tricesimo secundo see mo …   Useful english dictionary

  • 32mo — Trigesimo secundo Tri*ges i*mo se*cun do, n. A book composed of sheets so folded that each one makes thirty two leaves; hence, indicating, more or less definitely, a size of book; usually written {32mo}, or 32[deg], and called {thirty twomo}.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thirty-twomo — Trigesimo secundo Tri*ges i*mo se*cun do, n. A book composed of sheets so folded that each one makes thirty two leaves; hence, indicating, more or less definitely, a size of book; usually written {32mo}, or 32[deg], and called {thirty twomo}.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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