

Umlaut, in den germanischen Sprachen bei der Flexion die Verdünnung od. Trübung eines reinen (einfachen u. ursprünglichen) Vocals in der Wurzel durch Einfluß des i, so daß aus a ä, aus o ö, aus u. ü, aus au äu wird, z.B. Hände, Höfe, Krüge, trüge, Schläuche, von Hand, Hof, Krug, trug, Schlauch. Wenn die den U. bewirkenden Umstände wegfallen u. der reine Vocal wieder eintritt, so heißt dies Rückumlaut, s.u. Laute S. 173 u. Germanische Sprachen S. 240.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • umlaut — ÚMLAUT s.n. 1. Fenomen fonetic constând în modificarea timbrului unei vocale accentuate sub influenţa vocalei următoare. 2. Tremă care se pune deasupra vocalelor care au suferit un umlaut (1). – Din germ. Umlaut. Trimis de valeriu, 03.04.2003.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Umlaut — may refer to: Diaeresis (diacritic), a pair of dots ( ¨ ) above a vowel, used in German to mark umlaut Metal umlaut, the same diacritic in names of heavy metal or hard rock bands for effect I mutation or umlaut, historic vowel fronting or raising …   Wikipedia

  • umlaut — ● umlaut nom masculin (allemand Umlaut) Synonyme de inflexion. En grammaire allemande, signe placé sur certaines voyelles (ä, ö, ü), et indiquant l inflexion. ● umlaut (synonymes) nom masculin (allemand Umlaut) Synonymes : inflexion …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ümlaut — is a crust punk/hardcore punk band from Finland. They have released a record called Havoc Wreakers on 12 vinyl through the CrimethInc. and Finnish record label Combat Rock Industry. In 2005, CrimethInc. released Total Disfuckincography , with all …   Wikipedia

  • umlaut — [oom′lout] n. [Ger, change of sound (< um, about + laut, sound, akin to LOUD): coined (1774) by F. G. Klopstock (1724 1803), Ger poet, but first used in special senses by Jakob GRIMM Jakob (Ludwig Karl) (1819)] Linguis. 1. a) a historical… …   English World dictionary

  • Umlaut — / umlaut/ (o, all ital., umlaut) s.m., ted. (propr. modificazione di suono ). 1. (ling.) [innalzamento del grado della vocale tonica per influenza di una vocale alta in posizione finale o, più raramente, postonica] ▶◀ metafonesi, metafonia.… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • Umlaut — Um laut, n. [G., from um about + laut sound.] (Philol.) The euphonic modification of a root vowel sound by the influence of a, u, or especially i, in the syllable which formerly followed. [1913 Webster] Note: It is peculiar to the Teutonic… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • umlaut — (n.) 1852, from Ger. umlaut change of sound, from um about (see AMBI (Cf. ambi )) + laut sound, from O.H.G. hlut (see LISTEN (Cf. listen)). Coined 1774 by poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1724 1803) but first used in its current sense 1819 by… …   Etymology dictionary

  • umlaut — /ˈumlaut, ted. ˈumˌlaot/ [vc. ted., comp. di um, che indica cambiamento e Laut «suono»] s. m. inv. 1. (ling.) metafonesi, metafonia 2. (est.) dieresi …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • umlaut — ùmlaut m DEFINICIJA gram. razg. prijeglas, preglašeni vokal (npr. ä, ü, ö) ETIMOLOGIJA njem. Umlaut …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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