CLARENI Fratres — ex Franciscanorum Ordine; qui alias Fratres spirituales dicti, a Fratre Angelo de Cingulo Clareno, suo institutore nuncupati, qui usque ad Pii V. aetatem perseverârunt. Vide de iis Waddingum, A. C. 1317. num. 16. 28 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Clarēni Fratres — (lat., Clareniner), 1302 von Angelo di Cordona am Bach Clarene bei Ancona gestiftete Minoritenkongregation strenger Richtung, die sich 1566 mit den Observanten (s. Franziskaner) vereinigte … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Order of Friars Minor — Order of Friars Minor † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Order of Friars Minor (Also known as FRANCISCANS.) This subject may be conveniently considered under the following heads: I. General History of the Order; A. First Period (1209… … Catholic encyclopedia
Fraticelli — The Fraticelli, sometimes confusingly called Fratricelli, were medieval Roman Catholic groups that could trace their origins to the Franciscans, but which came into being as a separate entity. The Fraticelli were declared heretical by the Church… … Wikipedia
Fraticelli — • A name given to various heretical sects which appeared in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, principally in Italy Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Fraticelli Fraticelli … Catholic encyclopedia
Order of Friars Minor Conventuals — Order of Friars Minor Conventuals † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Order of Friars Minor Conventuals This is one of the three separate bodies, forming with the Friars Minor and the Capuchins what is commonly called the First Order of St.… … Catholic encyclopedia