

Rezin, 800740 v. Chr. König von Damask.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • Rezin — († 732 v. Chr.; aramäisch Ra yan, phönizisch RZIN/RSYN, assyrisch Rachianu/Raqianu)[1] war der letzte aramäische König von Damaskus. Sein Name bedeutet: „(Gott) gefällig“. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Biblische Darstellung 2 Assyrische Quellen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • REZIN — (Heb. רְצִין), properly Raṣyān, the Hebrew form of Aramaic Raʿyān, the man of favor, in cuneiform transcription Raḥianu, the last king of aram damascus (II Kings 15:37; 16:5; Isa. 7:1ff.). His name is attested in a tribute list of Tiglath Pileser …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • rezin — <lat. resina – qatran> 1. Kauçukun vulkanizə edilməsi nəticəsində alınan su və hava keçirməyən elastik material. 2. Bax rezinka. <Gəldiyevin> düz on yeddi gün qələm, xətkeş, pərgar, rezin əlindən düşmədi. M. C.. 3. Həmin materialdan… …   Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti

  • Rezin —    Firm; a prince, a king of Syria, who joined Pekah (q.v.) in an invasion of the kingdom of Judah (2 Kings 15:37; 16:5 9; Isa. 7:1 8). Ahaz induced Tiglath pileser III. to attack Damascus, and this caused Rezin to withdraw for the purpose of… …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • Rezin — King of Damascus who paid tribute to Assyria in 738 BCE but later joined an alliance which included Israel to resist Assyria; but Ahaz of Judah, supported by Isaiah (Isa. 7:1–10) rejected his overtures even when he attempted to impose his will by …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Rezin Bowie — Rezin Pleasant Bowie (8 September 1793 17 January 1841) was an American inventor and designer of the Bowie knife. He also served three terms in the Louisiana Legislature.With his brother James, Bowie smuggled slaves and worked as a land… …   Wikipedia

  • Rezin A. De Bolt — (* 20. Januar 1828 in Basil, Fairfield County, Ohio; † 30. Oktober 1891 in Trenton, Missouri) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1875 und 1877 vertrat er den Bundesstaat Missouri im …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rezin A. De Bolt — (January 20, 1828 October 30, 1891) was a U.S. Representative from Missouri.Born near Basil, Ohio, De Bolt attended the common schools.He was employed as a tanner.He studied law.He was admitted to the bar in 1856 and commenced practice in… …   Wikipedia

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