

Spahr, in Tunis eine Art brauner Pferdeschwamm, s.u. Badeschwamm.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • Timothy B. Spahr — is an American astronomer.He works at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, has discovered numerous asteroids and is credited as a co discoverer of one satellite of Jupiter (Callirrhoe) and one of Saturn (Albiorix).He also discovered… …   Wikipedia

  • Juliana Spahr — (born 1966) is an American poet, critic, and editor.LifeBorn and raised in Chillicothe, Ohio, Spahr received her BA from Bard College in Languages and Literatures and her PhD from the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York in… …   Wikipedia

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