King's Bench

King's Bench

King's Bench (engl., spr. Kings Bentsch, d.i. Königs Bank) 1) (Court of K. B. [jetzt Court of Queen's Bench] Bancus regis), Oberhofgericht; das Hehe Gericht zu London, im Westminsterpalast: entscheidet über die die Krone betreffenden Sachen u. wichtige Criminalverbrechen. s.u. Großbritannien S. 678; 2) (King's [Queen's] Prison), ein aus mehren Gebäuden bestehendes öffentliches Gefängniß in London, namentlich für Schuldner, Verfasser von Schmähschriften etc.

Pierer's Lexicon. 18571865.

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  • King's Bench — King s (Queen s) Bench One of the superior courts of common law in England, being so called because the king (or queen) used formerly to sit there in person, the style of the court being coram ipso rege. It was called the queen s bench in the… …   Black's law dictionary

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  • King's Bench — King s′ Bench′ n. law the highest British court of common law, dealing with both civil and criminal cases: a division of the High Court of Justice Also called, when a queen is sovereign,Queen s Bench …   From formal English to slang

  • king's bench — See court of king s bench …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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