- Cheever
Cheever (spr. Tschihwer), George Barrell, geb. 1807 zu Hallowell in Maine, studirte Theologie in Andover (Massachusetts), wurde 1832 Pastor in Salem, besuchte 1836 Europa u. wurde 1839 Pastor in New-York; 1844 machte er eine zweite Reise nach Europa. Er gab The American common place book of prose, 1828 u. The American common place book of poetry, 1820, heraus u. schr.: Studies in poetry, 1830; Selections from archbishop Leighton, 1832; Foreign correspondence with the New-York Observer, 1837; Gods hand in America, 1841; The argument for punishment by death, 1842; Lectures on Pilgrim's Progress, New-York 1843 u. 1849; Hierarchical lectures, 1844; Wanderings of a pilgrim in the shadow of Mount Blanc and the Jungfrau Alp, New-York 1846; The Journal of the pilgrims at-Plymouth in New-England in 1620, ebd. 1848 u. 1849; The hill difficulty, ebd. 1849; Windings of the river of the water of life, ebd. 1849 u. 1851; Sacred streams, ebd. 1852; Voices of nature to her foster child, the soul of Man, ebd. 1852; Right of the Bible in our schools, ebd. 1854; Ch. war 1845 u. 1846 Redacteur des New-York Evangelist.
Pierer's Lexicon. 1857–1865.