Chesshire — This interesting name is of medieval English origin and is locational from the county in North West England, first recorded in the Anglo Saxon Chronicles of 980 as Legecaesterscir , and later in the Domesday Book of 1086 as Cestrescire , which is … Surnames reference
V. R. Parton — demonstrating 3D chess to a reporter for The Birmingham Post, 1957 Vernon Rylands Parton (1897–1974) was an English chess enthusiast and prolific chess variant inventor, his most renowned variant being Alice Chess.[1] Many of Parton s variants… … Wikipedia
Clematis — For the township in Australia, see Clematis, Victoria. Clematis Clematis Nelly Moser Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Amphibious vehicle — An amphibious vehicle (or simply amphibian), is a vehicle or craft, that is a means of transport, viable on land as well as on water just like an amphibian.This definition applies equally to any land and water transport, small or large, powered… … Wikipedia
George Washington Glasscock — (April 11 1810 February 28 1868) was an early settler, legislator, and businessman in Texas. He was born in Hardin County, Kentucky. In 1830 he went to St. Louis and from there to Springfield, Illinois, where in 1832 he was a partner of Abraham… … Wikipedia
Oflag IV-C — Coordinates: 51°7′50.82″N 12°48′26.94″E / 51.1307833°N 12.8074833°E / 51.1307833; 12.8074833 … Wikipedia
Smalbroke family — The Smalbroke family (also spelled Smallbrook) was a powerful family between the early 15th and early 19th centuries, owning large areas of land in Birmingham, England.15th 16th centuriesThe family are first recorded in the Birmingham in 1425,… … Wikipedia
Swinton — (spr. Swint n), John, geb. 1703 in Chesshire; wurde Prediger der englischen Factorei in Livorno, wo er sich vorzüglich mit den Orientalischen Sprachen beschäftigte, kehrte später nach England zurück, wo er Professor in Oxford wurde u. 1777 als… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Ches — Ches, s. Chesshire … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Cheshire — (spr. Tschesire), 1) Grafschaft im Staate New Hampshire (Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika), 311/2 QM., an Vermont grenzend; Flüsse: Connecticut u. Ashuelot River u. ein Arm des Contoocook River; mehrere kleine Seen; Bellows Falls, ein Catarakt… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon